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Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Damoh

Technology- Hightech horticulture – a sustainable technology

Name - Rajesh Patel

District – Damoh

Mobile no. –8982144436

Scientists of KVK, Damoh visited the field of Shri Rajesh Patel Loko Shade area to motivate him about vegetable production. He was constantly guided by scientist about cultivation of tomato, chilli, capsicum, cauliflower etc. On the basis of recommendation he started the cultivation of capsicum chili cauliflower and tomato.

Success Points

  • 1- He used staking practices in tomato.
  • 2- Plastic mulching with drip irrigation in chilli cultivation.
  • 3- Plastic mulching with drip irriagation and low tunnel for capsicum cultivation.

In addition to this he started the honey bee cultivation.Outcome & impact

Before starting the vegetable production the economical condition of farmer was not sound due to production of cereals only. Previously he earned Rs 1,00,000/- only from 3 acres of land while production of capsicum, chili, papaya, etc. he got 100-150 q vegetable from 3 acres and earned an additional income of Rs. 2.5 lakh. He received best farmer’s award on Horticulture from the Collector.

Planted Horticulture crop: an alternative source of income

Name- Milan Mishra

Village- Chillod, Tehsil-Jabera

Dist. Damoh

M. 7489147665

Technology- Growing horticultural crops viz. banana, pomegranate and spices like ginger, onion, turmeric, methi and vegetable like tomato. Farmers was succeed to grow tissue culture banana G-9 with drip and poly mulch and earn Rs. one lac from one acre land.

Wheat seed production- a remunerative enterprise

Name- Jhallu Patel S/o RamCharan Patel

Village - Bhadauli

District – Damoh

Mobile no. 8889143949

He is using the latest varieties of wheat viz. JW 3020, JW 3269 and GW 322. After seed treatment with fungicide the sowing is done with ferti-seed drill. He uses the hand hoe for the control of weeds. Roguing of off-type plants is done on regular basis. He is also preparing NADEP compost and biogas on his farm itself to fertilize his fields. He is not using any inorganic fertilizer. The irrigation is done by sprinkler. The harvesting is done by combine harvester after thorough cleaning of machine. The seed crops inspected by the seed certification officer. The produced seed is graded and supplied as certified seed to different seed producing societies. He obtains the yield of 55 q/ha. Approx. Rs 15,000/- is the expenditure in 1 ha area and earned Rs 70,000/- per ha.

Milk and milk products- an alternative way to sustainable income

Name: Thaneswar Patel

Village : Kadipur

District : Damoh

Mobile no. 9753435578

Shri Thaneshwar Patel of village Kadipur, Damoh is a dairy based farmer. He is having around 15 animals and 06 acres land. After coming into the contact of KVK he is following the A I practice for the improvement of his local breed of cows. He uses his 1/3rd land for growing green fodder like berseem, multicut oat in rabi, maize chari and dinanath grass in Kharif season and maize chri and dinanath grass in summer season. He prepared the NADEP compost from the cowdung received from the cattle and fertilizes his own fields and sold to other needy farmers on demand basis. He sells milk and prepares milk products like ghee and khoa on regular basis. His expenditure on animals is upto Rs 1,50,000/- per annum out of which he gains an amount of Rs 5,40,000 per annum. His model of integrated farming is being appreciated by his colleague farmers and they are also ready to adopt the same.


Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Damoh
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, In Front of Damoh Petroleum, Madiyahar, Sagar Road, Damoh Post Box No. 13
Tel: 07812-226565
Fax: 226565
E-mail: [email protected]
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